Monitoring current EV
Demand/Adoption using
historical data

August 5th, 2024

The automotive market in China has experienced remarkable growth, with car sales exceeding 30 million in 2023. This surge not only highlights the nation’s thriving automotive industry but also marks a significant shift towards New Energy Vehicles (NEV) as a dominant force in the evolving landscape. This shift is evidenced by the increasing readiness among Chinese auto buyers to accept only NEV when shopping for a new vehicle, with 66% expressing this preference by the end of 2025, a figure expected to rise to 82% by 2030.1

The momentum of NEV is propelling the industry towards a milestone of 10 million units.2 Innovation is accelerating. Urban Science data reported by the end of 2023 the Chinese automotive market had 1144 car models in the market, including 552 NEV models. Despite this, the average monthly sales for these models remained low at around 1,222 units each.

In such a highly competitive market environment, automotive manufacturers and dealers need access to accurate and actionable data to quickly understand their market position, evaluate the competition, improve sales performance and grow market share. As an old saying goes: “Know your enemy and know yourself; you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.” In this constantly evolving market environment, it is essential to easily analyze geographical locations and market segments, considering combinations of sales and competition.

The challenge:

Amid intensifying competition, most NEV brands are vigorously expanding their sales networks to strategically position themselves to capture a broader audience. Meanwhile, traditional mainstream joint venture automakers, who typically rely on authorized franchisees, are facing challenges from the emergence of NEV brands, leading many to recalibrate the size of their network, adjust sales models to include a variety of formats, and integrate their NEV and traditional sales outlets into a common network that shares sales and service channels. These adjustments are resulting in some dealers experiencing a downturn in sales.

Even luxury car brands priced above 240,000 yuan face heightened competition despite years of stable sales networks and loyal customer bases. Our experts have observed a steady rise in luxury car segment sales, fueled by increasing Chinese living standards prompting a shift towards high-end purchases. This trend is accentuated by the popularity of NEVs, drawing numerous new energy vehicle brands into the 240,000-level market. Former brand loyalty is now challenged by diversified choices, which is intensifying competition in the high-end segment. Traditional luxury brands must adapt to market shifts, refine positioning and analyze competitors to prevent erosion of market share by emerging forces.

With the future in mind, manufacturers are adjusting their sales strategies and network layouts to effectively meet the diverse needs of the automotive market. The ever-increasing competition has prompted leading manufacturers and dealers to actively seek deeper insights from their complex sales figures.

Driven to master their markets and conquer the new EV terrain, manufacturers and dealers find themselves asking the following questions:

  • When comparing our brand’s sales performance to our competitors, are our overall brand sales climbing steadily or quietly declining?
  • Which segments, which brands and which dealerships are losing market share?
  • Are consumer preferences changing, and which models are declining? Which models are showing strong performance in specific regions?
  • Who are the biggest competitors eroding our market share by regions and segments?

The Urban Science Solution: MarketView™

MarketView™ , the web-based solution developed by Urban Science, is the gold standard for sales analysis in the automotive industry. With its unmatched ability to swiftly dissect any combination of geography and segment key performance indicators (KPIs) against competitors, it empowers manufacturers and dealers to conquer market challenges holding them back from grabbing market share.

Built on years of experience and global expertise, MarketView provides a panoramic view of sales dynamics, guiding strategic decisions for any brand, segment, model, geographic location or market share change. By analyzing internal and competitive sales data across various dimensions, it offers invaluable insights into brand performance and market potential. These insights can then drive targeted marketing efforts, enhancing sales volume and market share.

Key MarketView features:

MarketView is a highly interactive and intuitive web-based sales analytics application that provides detailed overview of sales data for your brand and competitors.

Intuitive visualization – Seamless user experience, immediate insights

MarketView is a modern application offering a visual interface that seamlessly integrates maps and data at a granular level, transforming complex market data into a clear snapshot, enabling users to find answers quickly.

Advanced Mapping Capabilities – Zoom into market performance to uncover sales opportunities

Enhanced mapping capabilities pinpoint areas of underperformance anywhere in your network. Dive deep into detailed market or dealer-level sales trends, market share fluctuations and segment-specific changes by geography or model to understand how best to compete.

Efficient collaboration – Streamlined communication, prompt response

MarketView intelligently integrates sales performance information across an entire dealer network.

Additionally, it can provide various formats of exported reports and swiftly modify market segment definitions according to management’s reporting needs.

Easy access – Flexible connectivity, timely updates

MarketView is built on an advanced multi-user web platform, ensuring seamless connectivity across multiple electronic devices anytime, anywhere, while providing access to the latest features and real-time data updates.

Role Based Access – Tailored rights management support

MarketView supports different levels of authorization granularity based on specific roles assigned to individual accounts.

Sensitive Data protection – Secure data handling with utmost confidentiality

MarketView is an Urban Science application, and we prioritize the importance of data security by complying with customer privacy regulations and other relevant data security regulations ensuring all sensitive information will be encrypted and protected under strict government supervision.

Business Implementation:

Navigating the vast sea of automotive data can be daunting, and time-consuming. That’s why we’ve harnessed our expertise to streamline this process. MarketView is designed to deliver curated data directly to you within days.*

Moreover, our solution offers flexible options as MarketView can be quickly tailored to the specific needs of individual car companies while encompassing all essential key performance indicators to ensure comprehensive fulfillment.

*Varies based on client specifics

Why Urban Science?

  • With over 40 years of experience, Urban Science fosters global certainty by enhancing network capabilities, strengthening customer connections, advancing service development and revealing scientifically targeted marketing opportunities.
  • As the automotive industry’s premier consultancy and technology firm, Urban Science pioneers solutions that instill certainty, guiding efficiency and profitability even in the most challenging market conditions.
  • With more than 142 global implementations in over 27 countries, we demonstrate the proficiency to analyze and optimize markets of any scale.
  • We deliver access to more granular levels of attribute data, enabling us to benchmark and measure performance better than anyone else.
  • We boast the highest B2B client satisfaction in our industry, a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional service and value.
  • Our team operates seamlessly across multiple global markets, enhancing our expertise and integrating it with our flagship scientific methodology to empower OEMs and their networks worldwide.

What our clients are saying:

“MarketView provides a clear view of the varied individual market situations that help us calculate commercial objectives. This has been a valuable tool delivering a high level of satisfaction from all our users.”

– Major Global OEM Network Planning Leader, Spain

To find out more about how our MarketView solution can help you, contact us.

CK Lim
Managing Director, China

1. Urban Science Online Consumer and Dealer Studies, February 2024. These surveys were conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of Urban Science among 3,005 U.S., 1,006 Australia, 1,000 China, 1002 Germany, 1,000 India, 1,009 Mexico, and 1,006 UK adults aged 18+.

2. China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM)

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    Scientific precision to make every marketing dollar work harder.


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