During her 16 years with Urban Science, Global Marketing and Communications Director Amy Bowering has been a driving force behind numerous high-impact brand, marketing and communication strategies that have played leading roles in establishing – and reinforcing – Urban Science’s position as a thought leader across the automotive industry. And while her collective professional achievements as a business leader are impressive in their own right, Amy takes immense pride in another role outside of work: her role as mom to her three daughters.

Amy is committed to raising her daughters to be strong, independent individuals who prioritize self-reliance, confidence and integrity. In 2020, she began volunteering as a leader of her youngest daughter’s Girl Scout Brownie troop, which is part of a uniquely large multi-level troop that spans from kindergarten through high school. The Girl Scouts of the USA is an organization that shares Amy’s values and aims to build skills and empower girls to develop their full individual potential. Amy saw this commitment as an opportunity to spend quality time with her daughters while introducing them to new perspectives, skills and experiences, and to make a positive impact in her community.

“For me, the most rewarding part of volunteering is spending time with my girls and them seeing me in a leadership role – an experience I hope empowers them and our other troop members as they continue their life journeys,” said Amy. “My kids don’t have an understanding of my professional life outside the home, so this is a unique way for them to see me in a role other than mom, and for us to spend time together that I truly believe is an investment in their futures – and the future of our community – that will pay dividends down the road.”

Through her volunteer work with Girl Scouts of the USA, Amy aims to be a positive influence and role model for her daughters and troop members, and others in her community. Throughout the year, Amy and her troop co-leaders seek out opportunities and experiences that build integrity and leadership skills, and empower their Scouts to earn achievement-based badges that cover a wide range of topics, from animal advocacy to mental health to outdoor adventures. For instance, Troop 75084 took a field trip to the Friends of Animals Metro Detroit, where they toured the facility, brought homemade toys and treats for the animals, and read books aloud to the cats in their shelter. The group also recently visited our headquarters in the Renaissance Center and toured Detroit to earn their Discover Detroit and People Mover patches.

Girls can earn other badges for other skills and experiences, including hiking, first aid, outdoor adventure, mental health, friendship, cabin camping, women’s history, global awareness, and a fan favorite… cookie sales! Earning badges is a way for Girl Scouts to learn new skills and demonstrate their accomplishments as well as build confidence and a sense of achievement.

The Girl Scouts of the USA supports girls to develop values that guide their actions, provide the foundation for sound decision-making, and contribute to the improvement of society through leadership. Similarly, Urban Science recognizes the importance of community and honors the activism and the commitment of our colleagues that work toward bettering their communities by providing employees with 12 paid hours of volunteer time each year.

“Having the support of our company to carry out our mission of service in my community has been invaluable,” said Amy. “From paid volunteerism hours and a flexible schedule – and working arrangement – to senior leaders who encourage and empower Urban Scientists to be present at home, at work and in our communities, our organization is truly committed to making a positive impact not only at the corporate level, but by engaging and empowering our team members to support causes they’re passionate about as well.”

Amy has been with Urban Science since 2008 and resides in Pleasant Ridge, Michigan, with her husband and three daughters. When she’s not supporting her troop or leading the Urban Science marketing communications team, Amy enjoys cooking and making craft cocktails, gardening, reading and doing yoga in her spare time.

Check out some of the known benefits of Girl Scouting:

  • Sixty-eight percent (68%) of alums assert that Girl Scouts has had a positive impact on their lives.
  • Alums say they “bring people together to get things done,” and 84% hold leadership roles as adults.
  • Alums are more satisfied with their careers than other women (68% compared to 60%) and slightly more likely to be in management positions at work (42% compared to 37%).
  • Alums are more likely than other women to volunteer (48% compared to 33%) and contribute financially to causes they care about (62% compared to 47%).

Learn more about the Girl Scouts and how you can support their mission ここ.

Values in Motion

Do great things: Amy’s volunteer work with the Girl Scouts of the USA exemplifies her dedication to empowering girls and positively impacting her community. Her volunteer work shows her leadership skills as she continues to inspire young women.