Whether in Detroit, New Delhi or New Jersey, or anywhere in between, each day Urban Scientists around the world embrace our #DoGreatThings value to make a positive impact in our communities – and across the automotive industry. Earlier this year, a group of 18 of our colleagues in the Garden State embodied this value – and our collective commitment to make a difference – by donating their time and energy to help their neighbors facing food insecurity.

EmilyAnn DeChiara そして Jonathan Speck, analysts, organized the volunteering effort for our New Jersey team, which spent several hours at the ニュージャージーコミュニティフードバンク (CFBN) inspecting, sorting and shucking approximately 1,500 ears of corn. This job is one step of many that must take place before food is distributed to CFBN‘s partners (food pantries, soup kitchens, emergency shelters and child and senior feeding programs), which then prepare and distribute the food to people in need. CFBN relies heavily on the efforts of volunteers to ensure food reaches the plates of those who need it most; last year, CFBN distributed food for over 90 million meals (about 108 million pounds).