11月 82021年


Detroit-headquartered company’s expanded commitment to The Engineering Society of Detroit Girls in Engineering Academy marks $50,000 in total support since 2020

Earlier today, our company announced it awarded a $25,000 grant to The Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD) Girls in Engineering Academy to improve academic achievement and increase interest in engineering careers among girls in metro Detroit, and in turn narrow the diversity gap in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers. This grant – awarded in observance of National STEM Day – is an expansion of our support of the ESD Girls in Engineering Academy, bringing Urban Science’s total investment to $50,000 since 2020. In addition to monetary support, we’ll also make members of its Detroit-based team available for student mentoring and job shadowing in the future.  

“At Urban Science, our vision is a world in which innovation is powered by science and inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit to invent a better future,” said Randall Tallerico, chief marketing officer, Urban Science. “We know our ability to realize this vision begins and ends with continuing to give our next generation of leaders the knowledge, skills and support they need to thrive in STEM fields that are often harder to find – and navigate – for girls in metro Detroit. We proudly support ESD’s efforts to help these future leaders excel in STEM and pursue engineering careers that will continue to drive our city, state and nation forward.” 

Each year, ESD selects 30 middle school girls to participate in a summer and academic-year program that delivers math and science enrichment, shares engineering and computer science concepts, improves English and language arts comprehension, and engages students in mentoring, among other curriculum offerings, to increase awareness of STEM and engineering opportunities among participants; in doing so, the academy helps students forge new avenues to rewarding careers that may not have been available otherwise. The academy strategically develops and deploys programming and experiences to make STEM exciting and engaging, and to support students through curriculum – including college engineering school pre-requisites, like calculus – that often becomes a barrier to engineering school admission for young women in Detroit. 

“Urban Science’s expanded commitment comes at a time when the pandemic has stifled education – particularly STEM education – in many areas across metro Detroit,” said Robert Magee, executive director, ESD. “This is a significant learning divide ESD can’t close on its own, and support from the business community is critical in helping us position Girls in Engineering Academy students for long-term success. We’re grateful for Urban Science’s willingness to answer our call to service, and for its commitment to lifting up our city’s next generation of female engineers through more than $50,000 in funding to date.” 

Urban Science’s support will empower Girls in Engineering Academy to continue to build strong STEM foundations that will help diverse homegrown talent graduate high school and gain admission into four-year colleges and universities. Regardless of whether academy graduates decide to pursue engineering careers, the core curriculum and skills they gain – and the mentoring they receive – will create a solid foundation of core knowledge, and positive study and personal skills, that will position them for short- and long-term success.  

Several leading universities across Michigan have pledged admission and scholarships to girls who complete the academy’s curriculum and graduate high school. 

We salute ESD for its efforts to empower our next generation of female engineers to succeed in the short and long term, and we’re grateful to for the opportunity to support these efforts. On behalf of Urban Scientists working around the globe, good luck to all this year’s Girls in Engineering Academy participants. We can’t wait to see all you’ll achieve in the future!  


8月 222024年

サービスレーン: 新車販売の未開拓の原動力。

Measuring service-to-sales conversion performance is key. Know how you stack up.

8月 202024年

Urban Science推出为中国汽车主机厂定制化的MarketView销售分析解决方案

底特律2024年8月7日电/美通社/– Urban Science®今日宣布推出了全新升级版的MarketView销售分析解决方案,这款方案精准契合中国主机厂(OEM)和经销商的个性化需求。这款面向中国市场的旗舰级解决方案,已经赢得了全球超过30个国家的主机厂和经销商的信赖,为行业用户提供了全面的市场洞察。这些洞察由Urban Science公司成熟的科学流程和方法所驱动,覆盖了所有品牌和地区在市场层面的销售业绩和增长潜力。 MarketView为主机厂和经销商提供了专门针对中国市场的销售数据(在主机厂允许的情况下),这使得他们能够更深入地洞察市场的挑战和机遇,包括那些通常被忽略的细微复杂性。通过这种方式,用户就能基于科学的分析,而非单纯的猜测,来做出独立且可能涉及较高风险的决策,从而在现有网络内外更好地竞争和提升销售业绩。此外,MarketView还帮助在中国销售汽车的主机厂实现以下关键目标: ·  通过识别各品牌和车型的表现,更准确地把握市场地位。 ·  识别销售模式和性能优势的变化,以便有效地集中营销资源,赢得市场份额。这包括对电动化和高配置车型趋势的洞察。 ·  通过分析潜在增长市场的品牌和经销商绩效数据,了解在哪些区域可以实现增长;无论是在他们已有的销售区域还是新开拓的区域,都能利用所有地理和细分市场的数据。 通过Urban Science特别为中国市场定制的MarketView版本,中国客户将能够轻松获取市场上大多数品牌的近似行业销量数据。这一优势为他们开启了一个独特的机会窗口,使他们能够深入解市场动态,发现增长点,无论是在现有的经销商网络中,还是在新的地区。这些功能使得主机厂和经销商能够基于过去、现在和未来的市场表现,做出科学的决策。 Urban Science的美洲、亚太和欧洲执行副总裁Tom Longo表示:“随着中国汽车制造商在新能源汽车领域不断加强发展,他们正面临一个由老牌企业和新兴挑战者共同塑造的日益活跃的市场。”他进一步指出:“总的来说,这些力量正以前所未有的速度重塑消费者的偏好和期望。因此,能够快速且准确地捕捉到潜在的市场动态、挑战与机遇,对于主机厂及其经销商而言,是定位自身、有效竞争并确保销售业绩的关键。这也正是我们致力于让中国客户体验到MarketView成熟能力与优势的原因所在——我们相信,这将为我们的客户和组织带来新的增长机会。” 单击此处了解更多关于MarketView及其独特优势的信息。该能力使全球OEM及其经销商能够了解市场内外的品牌表现、市场潜力和扩张机会,从而在短期和长期内促进组织的繁荣发展。 关于Urban Science Urban Science是一家领先的汽车咨询和技术公司,为全球各地的汽车主机厂( OEM )和经销商,以及为他们提供支持的广告技术公司提供服务。 公司总部位于底特律,在全球20个办公地点开展业务,Urban Science利用其科学的力量,结合其卓越的数据、解决方案产品和行业专业知识,即使在市场环境瞬息万变的情况下,也能为客户带来清晰度和业务上的确定性。   请访问UrbanScience.com,详细了解Urban Science是如何通过减少关键业务决策中的不确定性,助力汽车制造商和经销商获取竞争优势的。这一成效又反过来促进了整个汽车行业的效率提升与盈利能力的提高。

8月 152024年

Urban Science: No significant change in U.S. dealership count; electrified vehicle sales and throughput continue to climb

DETROIT, August 15, 2024 – Urban Science® today announced its 2024 midyear Automotive Franchise Activity Report (FAR), which reveals continued stability across the U.S. automotive retail network during the first […]

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