• Number of U.S. dealerships decreased by 34 rooftops in the first six months of 2020
  • Average dealership throughput is forecasted to fall to 734, a decrease of 206 units from 2019
  • California and New York saw the biggest decline in total dealerships and total sales volume


DETROIT, August 13, 2020—Urban Science released statistics and insights today from its Mid-Year 2020 Automotive Franchise Activity Report (FAR).

As of July 1, 2020, there are 34 fewer dealerships (rooftops) in the United States, taking the July 1, 2020 count of 18,195 down to 18,161. This 0.2% decrease is small and still indicates continued stability overall. The number of franchises, or brands a dealership sells, also experienced a period of stability, slightly decreasing from to 32,185 to 32,031 since the beginning of the year.

“Since 2010, the dealership network has set a new normal pattern of stability,” said Mitch Phillips, Urban Science’s Global Director of Data. “The data shows that 98 percent of local markets had virtually no net change (+/- 1 dealership). That said, the most significant (net) dealership decreases occurred in California and New York at seven dealerships each, and Iowa at five dealerships. Increase in net dealership count was low, but the most significant increases occurred in occurred in Florida with seven dealerships, and Illinois and Washington with three dealerships each. An interesting observation is that Texas is now missing from the most active states because, typically, they are on that list for adding the most dealerships.”

“Sales throughput for dealers is defined as the number of sales divided by the dealer count,” said Phillips. “With this current stable dealer count, the throughput statistic is controlled by the sales volume which is currently forecasted to decline in 2020 by around 20%. Sales throughput should fall 206 units to 734 per store based on 2020 sales forecasts.” A recent Harris Poll COVID-19 tracker, however, shows that pent up demand for buying a car once things return to normal and businesses reopen has increased since the end of March (11%) compared to the end of May (19%).

Urban Science は、米国のすべての自動車および小型トラック ブランドの新車ディーラーおよびフランチャイズの最新情報のリストを管理しています。毎月まとめられる国勢調査は、ディーラー統計の最も信頼できる情報源です。データは、自動車メーカーからのフィード、電話および現地確認など、さまざまなソースから取得されます。Urban Science は 1990 年からこの情報を収集しており、前年の年間分析を自動車フランチャイズ活動レポートにまとめています。

1977 年に設立されたアーバン サイエンスは、科学的なアプローチを採用して企業が市場シェアと収益性を最も効果的かつ効率的に高めるためにリソースをどこに配分すべきかを判断するのを支援するグローバルな小売コンサルティング会社です。デトロイトに本社を置くアーバン サイエンスは、米国、スペイン、英国、ドイツ、イタリア、フランス、オーストラリア、中国、メキシコ、日本、インド、ブラジルのオフィスから世界中の顧客にサービスを提供しています。アーバン サイエンスの詳細については、次の Web サイトをご覧ください。 翻訳:.