9 月 272024 年

Driving Your Dealership Ahead with Artificial Intelligence

本文是今年 Urban Science/Harris Poll 调查系列分析的开篇之作。该调查深入探讨了消费者对传统汽车经销商模式相关性的看法。

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to become more commonplace throughout business, smart dealers are embracing the technology and educating customers about the benefits.

There is still an array of buyers who want to shop and purchase in the traditional way of visiting dealerships and working one-on-one with staff from start to finish. And dealers report a significant number of buyers are skittish about both AI in the dealership and the rapid adoption of in-cabin technology, including in-camera radar, driving monitoring systems and even environmental sensors. But dealers can shift the attitudes of shoppers into those who fully embrace the benefits of AI, whether in the dealership or vehicle.

To understand more about AI and consumers, consider the age groups that now shop for vehicles —

  • Gen Z, born between 1997-2012
  • Millennials, born between 1981-1996
  • Generation X, born between 1965-1980
  • Baby Boomers, born 1946-1964

Yes, the age range is vast, but retail experts note it’s important not to stereotype buyers’ technologic acumen based on age. Auto buyers of all ages may hesitate to adopt new AI auto buying options and the array of technological options within vehicles. But – perhaps not surprisingly – this year’s Urban Science/Harris Poll survey shows those that 59% of those that buy electric vehicles are aware of AI in the car buying process compared with 27% of buyers that select ICE vehicles.

Moving more consumers toward embracing AI is vital for dealership and automaker efficiency. Here’s where dealers and consumers currently stand on the technology.

Dealers’ Evolving Relationship with AI

The media consistently reports about the ever-evolving consumers who fully desire the “Amazon effect” — that is to instantly find and purchase items that are rapidly delivered. What is often neglected is the news that auto dealers are moving toward fully embracing AI. Our survey shows 64% of dealers use or have used AI for a variety of purposes including:

  • Better lead management and conversion rates – 62%
  • More effective targeting in marketing campaigns – 61%
  • Enhanced efficiency in sales and marketing processes – 53%

That’s significant considering the adoption of AI is not without its challenges for dealers. Our survey shows dealers have several concerns including about security (50%), high implementation and maintenance costs (45%) and complexity in integrating AI with existing systems (44%).

High-profile cyber security breaches have made both dealerships and consumers hesitant to try new technologies. Some of the more prominent breaches include the ransomware attack on software vendor CDK that impacted an estimated 10,000 U.S. dealerships.

Although it’s difficult to think of an upside to those and other security incidents they do underscore the need for dealers to understand and share education and safeguards to ensure AI and other technology performs at its optimal efficiency.

现在对经销商来说还有更多好消息。超过一半(67%)的 Z 世代消费者对经销商的相关性持乐观态度。63% 的千禧一代也有同样的感受。随着老一代人年龄的增长,Z 世代和千禧一代正在成为主要的汽车购买市场。


Auto Buyer’s Limited Awareness of AI’s Role

Consumers are aware of AI, of course. As we mentioned, the “Amazon effect” is one of several factors that compels dealers to embrace AI. Although our survey shows consumers realize that positive benefits of AI including easing comparison shopping (63%), exploring brands and models (57%), configuring vehicles (52%) and more, we’ve found that 34% of consumers haven’t used AI.

Dealers’ Dilemma Balancing AI’s Benefits and Drawbacks

Of course, AI has more advantages for dealers and auto buyers than those of which customers are aware. Those advantages include enhanced lead conversion and follow ups, more effective targeting and customer segmentation and streamlined sales and service processes.

As vehicles’ technologies become more sophisticated and financing becomes challenging for some, off-loading routine and repetitive tasks to AI systems allows dealership staff to more fully serve customers’ personalized needs.

It’s important for dealers to understand that AI – both in dealerships and vehicles – is no longer an option but a necessity for those that want to remain competitive. But to reap AI’s rewards, dealers must develop a specific plan to integrate it into their stores.

Yes, AI integration can be expensive but it’s important to realize that many of the new offerings can be combined with existing CRM systems saving dealerships’ money. Although many cases of integration are straightforward, that does not mean dealers should go it alone. Those who have succeeded agree with consultants who say dealerships should hire technology experts to ensure their systems are optimal.

And ongoing staff training is a must.

The Role of Vendors in AI Adoption (Urban Science’s Perspective)

As data and technology experts, Urban Science helps dealers refine their sales process and improve lead conversion with enhanced analytical capabilities. As mentioned above, integrating AI and machine learning into your performance analysis solutions can boost profits, customer satisfaction and staff efficiency.

But, again, time has proven that dealerships should not try to go the integration of AI and technological advancement alone. Such technology is not “one size fits all” and should be personalized for each dealership. AI technology can help dealers refine their sales process, improve lead conversion and enhance analytical capabilities that offer them a myriad of customer insights.

Here are some of the key points we advise dealers to heed if they want to be successful with AI:

  • Lean on Trusted Vendors: 88% of dealers trust their vendors to guide them through AI adoption, ensuring proper integration and maximizing value.
  • Bridge Internal Gaps: AI offers a unique opportunity to align general managers (GMs) and sales managers (SMs), creating a cohesive strategy across sales, marketing, and service departments.
  • Look at the Full Customer Journey: Dealers should leverage AI not just for sales but to optimize the entire customer lifecycle, from initial inquiry to post-purchase service.

Urban Science’s AI-Fueled Solutions for Dealerships

We believe that combining the power of big data, advanced analytics and human expertise empowers actionable decision making that drives improved sales and marketing outcomes. Our solutions are fueled by a combination of predictive modeling and prescriptive analytics that help dealers sustain competitive advantage and mitigate risk.

  • Future-Focused Solutions: Urban Science’s predictive modeling gives dealers insight into demand trends and consumer behaviors, helping them stay ahead of industry shifts and operate more efficiently, strategically and effectively.
  • Enhancing Sales and Service Processes: AI is key to gaining actionable insights from customer data, leading to more personalized, efficient interactions that benefit both the dealer and the buyer.

Yes, AI can transform a dealership by boosting its profits and customer satisfaction. But that requires dealers to make concerted efforts to meld AI into their stores.

One mistake some dealers make is to try to integrate it without developing clear objectives aligned with their business strategies, investing in the right partners for tools and technologies, training and empowering staff, and more.

Dealers who take the time to outline how they can use AI to capture interest, service and sales can better all service buyers, including those looking for the “Amazon effect.”


1. 资料来源:Urban Science 在线消费者和经销商研究,2024 年 2 月。这些调查由哈里斯民意调查代表 Urban Science 对 3,005 名 18 岁以上的美国成年人和 250 家美国汽车经销商进行。


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