Talem 汇聚了来自工业、医学和学术界的思想领袖,旨在通过改变生活的辅助设备帮助有志者取得成功。我们的旗舰产品是具有突破性的 X-Ar 外骨骼手臂。它是一种可以支撑人的手臂的袖带,允许专利的、高度专业化的硬件配置提供必要的零重力支撑,使手臂可以伸得更远、完成更多任务。从成为永久性受伤患者的新肢体到代替外科医生执行最精细、最漫长的手术,它的用途非常广泛且多样。
Done properly, personalization is a win-win for marketers and customers. But it’s a delicate, high stakes balancing act for marketers. In fact, half of all Americans opted not to use a product or service out of privacy concerns.
As the auto industry navigates a dynamic market shift, electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids are gaining ground in the U.S. market, capturing the attention of both consumers and dealers.
As the U.S. automotive world moves toward various electrification choices, service departments are becoming more critical to sales and dealership loyalty.